Rotary clubs can energize and inspire young leaders ages 12-18 through service and encourage them to become responsible global citizens by supporting Interact clubs.
Interested in joining an Interact club?
Check with your school or contact a local Rotary club to find out if there’s an Interact club in your area. Contact the Interact club to find out how you can join its next meeting, service project, or community event.
How to get started
Download the Interact Handbook - A Guide for Sponsor Clubs and Advisers or the Interact Handbook - A Guide for Interactors to learn how to:
- Start an Interact club, recruit members, and elect officers
- Support club members and projects
- Connect with Interact’s global community
Get your club chartered
Once you’ve organized your members and elected officers, you can apply for a charter from Rotary International. No fee is required. Here’s what to do:
- Complete the Interact Club Certification Form (PDF).
- Email the completed form to or your region's international office.
How to create vibrant clubs
Sponsor a club
Strong Interact clubs start with committed sponsor Rotary clubs. Rotary members support Interactors as guides and mentors, working alongside them on service projects. Learn how to sponsor an Interact club.
Update club information
Sponsor clubs must update the contact information of an Interact club adviser annually in My Rotary to maintain the club’s active status and to continue receiving resources from Rotary International.
Because Interactors are minors, Rotary International does not publicly publish lists of Interact clubs or their contact information. As a sponsor, you have access to the list of Interact clubs in your district. The report is available to all Rotarians in Rotary Club Central. Once on the Rotary Club Central homepage, select Reports from the menu on the left. Then select Service tab.
District Rotaract Representatives can access the list through My Rotary. Under District Administration, click on Reports.
Youth protection and risk management
The safety of young people is a top priority for any Rotary-related activity, especially when travel is involved. Visit the Youth Protection page on My Rotary or find our Statement of Conduct for Working with Youth and more information on student safety and risk management in the Rotary Youth Protection Guide. Take the online course Protecting Youth Program Participants in the Learning Center.
Strengthen international understanding and service
Before you start planning club activities and service projects, review the basics in the Interact Guide for Rotary Club Sponsors and Advisers (PDF) or the Interact Guide for Interactors (PDF). Then help Interact members identify their unique skills and interests and form a plan. Here are more ideas to help:
- Be part of something bigger by supporting Rotary’s causes.
- Participate in Global Youth Service Day and download resources from our service partner YSA (Youth Service America).
- Show the world how Interact members take action during World Interact Week in November. Download your World Interact Week Certificate of Recognition (ZIP).
- Submit a video for the annual Interact Video Awards that shows your club in action. The theme and submission guidelines are posted each October. Follow Interact on YouTube for details.
Interact video award winners
"When someone in our club has an idea, we take action. When we see a need in our local or global communities, we take action." The Interact Club of Mark R. Isfeld Secondary School has more than 50 motivated members who take on large projects to improve education, nutrition and health.
"We help people in need by raising money, visiting a children's home, and connecting with kids to inspire them to follow their dreams." The Interact Club of Plovdiv shows what it means to be an Interactor.
"Our goal is to always leave a mark on our society and achieve results beyond our limits. With hard work and motivation, we are able to do projects that really make a difference in our community." The Interact Club of Alexandria members are people of action.
How to promote Interact
- Customize promotional cards and posters with details about your Interact club or download an Interact banner from Rotary’s Brand Center.
- Work with Rotary’s licensed vendors to design your own materials or buy supplies.

Opportunities for Interactors
Rotary has so many ways to get involved. Connect Interactors with Rotary Action Groups, Rotary Fellowships, and Rotary Friendship Exchange or tell them about Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) and our Youth Exchange program.
Interact district support
District governors may appoint a Rotary member to serve as district Interact chair. The chair oversees the Interact program, ensures that Rotary International has current club and adviser contact information, and plans activities and leadership training events for Interact members. The chair also leads the district Interact committee, which supports Interact clubs and consists primarily of Rotary members. However, Interact clubs may elect a district Interact representative to represent clubs on the committee.
Here are some resources for district leaders:
- Get Ready: District Interact Committee
- As a district Interact leader, you have access to the list of Interact clubs in your district. The report is available to all Rotarians in Rotary Club Central. Once on the Rotary Club Central homepage, select Reports from the menu on the left. Then select Service tab.
- How to Update Interact Club Information (PDF)
- District Interact chair directory (Provided only to reported district Interact chairs. Contact to request a copy.)
Connect online
- Follow us on Facebook.
- Join our discussion group.
- Subscribe to the Young Leaders in Action newsletter.
Important dates
Check the Rotary calendar for a list of observances and due dates. Here are just a few important dates for Interact clubs:
- August — Membership and New Club Development Month
- 2-8 October 2023 — Rotary Alumni Reconnect Week (celebrated Monday through Sunday during the week of 5 October)
- 30 October-5 November — World Interact Day (World Interact Week is celebrated Monday through Sunday during the week of 5 November, Interact’s anniversary.)
- 1 December — Interact Video Awards submissions due
- May — Youth Service Month
- 15 August — Reports due for the Rotary Citation for Interact Clubs
We’re here to help. Email us.